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COVID19 & FITT60126 – What To Know As We Re-Open
Non-members – Sign up for our Unlimited membership on MindBody! It includes Outdoor classes, daily ZOOM classes, and home workouts via our newsletter! $120/month ($60/month for students) FINALLY! It’s here!… Continue reading
COVID-19 and FITT 60126
The health and safety of our FITT Family is our top priority. We are writing to provide an update on our commitment to keeping the studio a healthy and safe… Continue reading
Be Stronger Than Your Excuses
BE STRONGER THAN YOUR EXCUSES. That’s my new favorite saying. In fact, I like it so much that I just had a keychain made with that saying…so obviously it’s that… Continue reading
Shower them with love
Years ago, I can remember as a young mom being told, “Enjoy every minute, they grow up so fast.” It was hard to even imagine that, as it seemed just… Continue reading
What Sports Taught Me
Sometimes I still wake up on a Saturday morning and feel as if I should be putting on my softball uniform, hopping in the car with my parents, and driving… Continue reading
What if you can?
Last week my oldest child turned 15 and this week my 3rd child turns 11. These are facts that I cannot change despite my physical and mental prowess, it won’t… Continue reading
Mobility—What is it? (Part I)
Before we dine with mobility, let’s drink wine with flexibility. Flexibility is the quality of bending easily without breaking. Think of flexibility as passive bending. So when we say something… Continue reading
Featured Client–Ashlea Beck
How did you stumble upon FITT-RX? In the spring of 2016 I had a 4 month old daughter, a 2 year old son, and had just quit my job to… Continue reading
How do you stay motivated?
When training for a race, it is easier to see the end goal and to stay motivated throughout the training program. What happens when you don’t have any races or… Continue reading