A couple of weeks ago, I picked up the book “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis after hearing all of the great reviews. She’s got a tough love attitude and, for those who have taken my classes, you know I appreciate some tough love. In one of the chapters, Rachel talks about how we are always making promises to other people but breaking promises that we make to ourselves. For example, the promise you made yourself to do that evening workout is broken because a friend wants to grab dinner or drinks. If our friends constantly bailed on us the way that we bail on ourselves, we would quickly start to reevaluate that friendship. We need to treat the promises that me make to ourselves the same way that we treat the promises that we make to other people. This really hit home for me.
Each year, starting on October 1st, Rachel and her husband do something called “The Last 90 Days.” The idea is to finish the last 90 days of the year as strong as you started the first 30 days (15 days if we’re really being honest). They set goals every day such as working out, drinking more water, etc. and they promise themselves that they will accomplish those goals.
This happened to be exactly what I needed to get through a tough time in my life and I jumped on board to finish these last 90 days strong. (I promise I’m not getting money from the Hollis’ because of this post – though maybe I should try!) The book made me look into different habits that I could change (for instance, do I really need to eat Goldfish every time I give some to Riley?), and things that I can do daily to better myself. I start each day with intention, fuel myself with healthy foods and some wine (for the antioxidants, obviously), and find things to be grateful for throughout the entire day. I’m only 10 days in, but it has made such a difference already.
Jump on board with me. Reevaluate your goals. Make plans with yourself and don’t break them. Finish this year stronger than you started it and accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. You’re stronger than you think. You have 81 days left in 2018 – what are you going to do with them?
–Amy Pyne