Featured Client-Colette Dever



Meet Colette Dever
What brought you to FITT-RX?
I had been trying off and on to work out at home, but it never lasted because it got boring and it was too easy to find reasons to skip. The big fitness centers didn’t appeal to me because I wasn’t interested in using the fitness machines, and I also knew that without any extra motivation, it would again be too easy to not go. However, just walking my dog was no longer cutting it exercise-wise and it was getting harder and harder to keep from gaining weight. I knew some friends who were going to FITT-RX and they really liked it, so after a lot of procrastination, I decided to take the leap and take advantage of the free week of workouts to see if I would like it. Everyone was so nice, and I liked the classes, so I just kept going.
You are in great shape for 60 years young. How do you feel about working out in a group setting among all ages and fitness levels?
I really like the fact that everyone is at different fitness levels because no matter what I am able to do, I never feel that anyone is judging me. It took me a little longer to get over feeling like I was always the oldest person there, but now I find being among a mostly younger group helps me to keeping pushing myself. Actually, at times I have to remind the competitive part of me that it’s ok if I can’t always keep up with the more fit members of the class.
What keeps you coming back to classes?
After my first week, I was so sore that I could hardly move. At that point, what kept me coming back was the commitment I felt by having to sign up for class ahead of time. I still feel guilty even thinking about staying home if I am already registered. I was determined to get into shape, and maybe even lose some weight, so I kept coming. My epiphany actually happened when my husband, Mike, and I were on vacation in Norway. We were going kayaking for my first time, and I was really nervous that I wouldn’t have enough stamina. We were out for two hours, and I never got tired. That’s when I knew that all those FITT-RX classes were really paying off!
How has maintaining your current fitness level allowed you to serve as a role model for your children?
My 4 sons are all grown (ages 22-29), so I honestly don’t think they even notice that I have been working out. However, as they were growing up, I encouraged them to participate in sports, and I walked with them to school everyday. We would regularly either walk or bike ride together as a family. Our vacations always included hiking and other outdoor activities. I think the lifelong message of staying active has stuck with them. All four of them chose to walk home from middle school rather than take the bus. Two of my sons ran cross country and track at York. And my oldest son went trekking in Iceland this past summer.
Do you have any fitness goals for the next few years?
Mike and I love to travel, and in the past several years our trips have included Paris, Alaska, Germany, Iceland and Norway. On every trip, we walk for miles in every city and we always try to include at least one hike. My fitness goal is to stay healthy enough to continue doing that as long as possible.
If you could give your 30 year old self any advice, what would it be?
My first son was born when I was thirty, and we had the remaining 3 over the next 7 years. So I feel like a big chunk of that time was spent in a fog of child care. I think I would tell my younger self not to sweat the small stuff and not to worry so much about making mistakes with my kids. Life is full of all kinds of challenges and it’s important to recognize what’s important and what isn’t and to save your energy and strength for the big ones.


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