Home / featured / Featured Client – Jeremy Dimonte


What initially attracted you to FITT60126 (formerly FITT-RX)? Sophomore year of college (October 2017) I got into a bad habit of eating and not exercising and needed a good outlet to let out stress. My mom mentioned this place to me in Elmhurst, FITT 60126 (then FITT-RX). I heard about the impacts of HITT training and thought I would benefit from class instruction as a guide to exercise.

Your first FITT class was on Halloween 2017 with Bridget. We didn’t scare you away
LOL. Since then you have taken a class from almost every instructor here.
What are some of your favorite classes and why?
My first class I torpedoed right into a 5:30 AM class on Halloween and was not prepared physically. I had to excuse myself from the class. Bridget was very helpful and gave me a Lar bar that morning because I didn’t eat anything. It was tough at first, but then I became acclimated to the classes after a few classes. I like a mix of classes, so it is hard to choose one. The ones that stand out are Tabata and Circuit classes due to the fact that they combine cardio, endurance and strength, and really challenge to push me to my limits. I find TRX classes challenging as well because I am not good with my balance. I really like all the classes here at FITT60126. I have also relied on themes with certain instructors regarding fitness philosophy, leadership style and affinity, or their lack of burpees.
How has your improved fitness level helped you outside the gym?
Working out regularly has manifested for me in different ways outside the gym. One of
the biggest things that attracts me to working out regularly besides being physically fit is the natural stress reliever that it is. For example, the calmness after a workout and “peace’ that
you get is something I really strive for and helps me throughout my day and especially in classes regarding paying attention. Improvements in sleep & well-being are benefits that are really awesome. I sleep better and get higher quality of sleep. Also improvements in confidence, posture and cognitive abilities have really helped me outside of the gym in ways I didn’t anticipate.
What are you studying at Elmhurst College?
I am an Urban Studies major with a minor in Social Work. Post grad plans are still to
be determined.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
In my free time I like to hang out with friends and family. I also like to watch sports in my free time; primarily football, soccer and basketball, and baseball in the summer. Also I listen to a lot of podcasts, especially throughout the day, and enjoy reading when I can and listen to a variety of music. Also studying as well–because school is important.
Describe FITT60126 to your friends in 3 words.
Community/Family, Inclusive & Innovative.
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