Meet Regan Gentile
How were you introduced to the FITT-RX community?
I have always enjoyed working out, but since having children, I wasn’t seeing the results with my workouts. Who has time to spend an hour on the elliptical at the gym watching Friends?! I needed something to shock my body, while building my strength back and losing the baby weight. My friend and neighbor, Allison Vandenberg recommended I check out FITT-RX. The fact that childcare was included and managed by other moms and clients was a bonus. After my first class, I was hooked!
You visit the studio more than 4 times a week. What motivates you to keep working out?
I love coming to FITT-RX so frequently because it is time carved out for myself and a great way to put aside the mental load of motherhood for a bit. Since joining FITT-RX, I have seen my endurance increase, muscle tone develop and overall weight loss. Now if I could just cut out the wine! I also knew that to be a better mother, friend and wife, it was important to make the time for an efficient and intense workout.
FITT-RX has also been a great outlet for stress relief. My oldest daughter, Elise, was diagnosed at six months with albinism, an inherited genetic condition that causes little to no pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Certain accommodations are necessary for sun protection and low vision, which are common effects of albinism. Going through the diagnosis process, genetic testing, and most recently, surgery this past June, presented stressors that I was able to manage through working out. It also gave me a confidence and drive to advocate for Elise and focus my energy with the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH). I am so grateful for the FITT-RX family and their interest and concern for Elise. It has meant so much to me and my husband, Mike.
What are some of your hobbies outside of working out?
I love playing tennis. Wait, that includes working out so let me rephrase; I lead the midwest chapter for NOAH. I also enjoy gardening and spending time in the yard.
What is a fun fact most people do not know about you?
I am part Kiwi! My father was born in New Zealand he and his mother immigrated to the United States by boat shortly after the end of WWII.
Do you have any favorite recipes your family enjoys?
I am obsessed with Panzanella. It’s a great summer salad that tastes amazing! Ina Garten doesn’t disappoint. Check it out here..
My husband is Italian so I married into some delicious recipes. And also not so healthy ones…but this manicotti one is a good go to for big family dinners and to pair with a nice Chianti.